Ahmet Usta graduated from Istanbul Technical University Aerospace Engineering programme in 2001 and Yıldız Technical University MBA programme in 2007. He started his professional career in 1999 by writing articles on game technologies and worked as an Information Technologies manager in different organisations since 2002. He worked as a technology editor at Infomag between 2009-2013, Bloomberg Business Turkey magazine between 2011-2014, and founded Mercek Tech in 2017, where he worked in the fields of digital and printed media channels setup consultancy and content production. He was the Editor-in-Chief of FinTech Istanbul and Blockchain Turkey Platform and is a member of BCTR Advisory Board. He is known for the books he translated into Turkish and the “Blockchain 101” book he wrote. In 2022, he became the co-founder of ELYT.net, integrated with Web 3.0 technologies.